SNB: Echoes of Beethoven (Échos de Beethoven)
Occurs on
Monday May 13 2024
Approximate running time: 2 hours
Event Notes
Symphony New Brunswick
Bravo 6: Echoes of Beethoven (Échos de Beethoven)
Monday, May 13 2023 at 7:30pm
Tickets: $45 Adult | $20 Student | Children [12 & Under] free | $40 Member
Description: SNB wraps up the season with a salute to heroism, including Beethoven's mighty "Eroica" Symphony. Bravo, indeed!
SNB termine la saison par un hommage à l’héroïsme, notamment avec l’interprétation de la puissante symphonie « Eroica » de Beethoven. Bravissimo!
Featured Guest:
Winner of the CANIMEX Canadian Music Competition